Animal Fury was a comedy skit created in 2000 by Max Marple (Angus McGreggor) and Luis Martinez (Charlie Peacock), an era before the advent of YouTube. Thankfully for Max, Luis, and producer Noah Wilson, cable access came to their neck of the woods in SLO County, CA, prodiving a place to air their creation to the world, or at least the roughly 100,000 people who got the channel. Yet being that they were barely out of high school and had 'life' to deal with, only a few episodes were made, some sadly without Luis Martinez at Max's side. The show was still quite popular, and the locations in SLO County provided a great number of scenic sites: sandy dunes, thick trees, and the occasional city park. Max, Luis, and Noah made the best of their locations and their humor, creating a show that was part Crocodile Hunter, part Reno 911.
Then, in 2008, Max Marple and Noah Wilson brought the old show back from the dead, reviving it with a few new gimicks (pretending Charlie Peacock was the camera man) and some new talents (they both had just finished film school). Schedules still worked against them, so the two shot 5 episodes of Animal Fury all in one long, yet hilarious day. The team would follow up a year later with two more episodes, but suffice to say, they had missed the YouTube train. Nevertheless, the shows and characters live on. Angus has found his way into some cartoons and mobile games, and is even a playable character in Retro Knight (complete with voice acting)! Animal Fury lives on in the hearts of children and dogs.
If you want to see the real, real old episodes of Animal Fury, be sure to watch New Show or Prime Time Crew. |